Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Generic Option


Admission Requirements: 

  1. Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to a specific department program. Admission to the university and separate application to the Department of Nursing is required for admission to the Nursing program.
  2. University cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or above on a 4.00 scale.
  3. ACT composite score of 19 or above, or SAT composite score of 960 or above. Satisfactory completion of developmental courses, identified by low ACT/SAT scores, “C” (2.00) or above.
  4. Demonstrated reading level at 13th grade, as indicated through diagnostic testing on the Nelson Denny Exam administered by the Center for Student Success (CSS).
  5. Earn a grade of B or better in the NS101 Intro to Professional Nursing course. NS 101 must be taken in the 2nd semester of the sophomore year.
  6. No grade less than “C” in the Science courses
  7. A cumulative score of 75 percent or above on the HESI 2A (Admission Assessment Exam) Exam will cover: Reading/Comprehension, Chemistry, Math, Anatomy & Physiology, Grammar
  8. Successful completion of all pre-nursing course work with a grade of “C” or higher (GPA 3.00) by the end of the fall semester prior to enrollment.

Admission by Transfer 

Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to a specific department or program. The Department of Nursing welcomes transfer students who meet the admission and progression requirements. Students must first apply to the university and then apply to the School of Nursing. Students who wish to be admitted to the nursing program by transfer must:   

  1. Complete a separate application for admission into the nursing program
  2. Provide 3 letters of reference for character and academic performance
  3. Provide a letter from the school from which they are transferring to indicate a “good standing” status

Credit for courses taken at schools other than Oakwood University will be considered on an individual basis using the following guideline: 

  1. The appropriate Oakwood University department will evaluate transfer credits for cognate courses.
  2. Credits for science courses in anatomy & physiology, microbiology, nutrition, and chemistry earned more than five years prior to admission will not be accepted. Applicants may choose to validate knowledge by examination or by repeating the course(s).
  3. Transfer credits for nursing courses may not be transferable and therefore will not be accepted.


To progress through the nursing program to graduation, the student must: 

  1. Pass a dosage calculation examination, two attempts, at the 100 percent level prior to or at the beginning of clinical courses.
  2. Pass all required clinical skills performance assessments.
  3. Maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 or above.
  4. Complete with a passing grade all previous level courses (cognate and nursing) before progression to the next level. Repeat successfully all nursing courses in which the minimum grade B- was not achieved (except NS101 where B is required for entrance criteria). No more than two course maybe repeated. Courses may be repeated in the following combination: one nursing and one cognate, or two cognate courses.
  5. Fulfill any remedial contracts specified by the department.
  6. Present annual verification of current CPR certification and tuberculosis screening.
  7. Demonstrate the personal qualifications necessary to the professional practice of nursing as evaluated by the Department of Nursing faculty.
  8. Participate in scheduled and random drug screening and background checking as required
  9. Complete all standardized testing at the required level.

Not Eligible for Admission 

 Students with two failure (C- or less) in the sciences are not eligible for admission into the nursing program.  

Credits for Science Course 

Credits for the science course in Chemistry earned more than five years prior to admission will not be accepted. Applicants may choose to validate knowledge by examination or by repeating the score.  

Students who are dismissed from the university through the Disciplinary Policy are not eligible for progression.

Students who do not maintain the minimum required cumulative GPA of 3.00 described above may not progress to the next nursing course until the required GPA is achieved (if slots are available).

Students who engage in misconduct that would jeopardize their professional performance as nurses may be denied admission to or be removed from the program.

The Department of Nursing reserves the right to revise its policies and procedures within an academic year as considered appropriate and necessary. Changes take effect immediately, or as voted by the faculty. All changes will be promptly communicated to faculty and students, on the date made, or as soon as possible after, and will be published or made accessible in writing to those affected by the policy or procedure. The Nursing Department Student Handbook is renewed and updated regularly and supersedes policies contained here.

Students in the generic option must successfully complete all courses to graduate in order to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The RN license may be denied where there is failure to show good moral character as it pertains to nursing, including but not limited to conviction of a felony, abuse of or addiction to alcohol or drugs, and theft of drugs. The decision as to whether the applicant is of good moral character is at the discretion of the Alabama Nursing Practice, Code of Ala. 1975, §§34-21-1, et seq.

HESI RN Integrated Testing Program

In preparation for the NCLEX-RN exam which all nursing graduates must take to become registered nurses, the Health Education Systems Inc. (HESI) integrated testing program is administered throughout the student’s course of study. Students must successfully complete HESI remediation as required throughout the program. This will assist students in being prepared after graduation to pass the NCLEX-RN on the first attempt. Refer to the departmental Student Handbook for complete details. 

Student Learning Outcomes 

Students who complete the B.S. in Nursing (generic or RN completion) will: 

  1. Exhibit a pattern of caring behaviors consistent with Christ’s attitude and actions.
  2. Utilize the nursing process to provide evidence-based nursing care for individuals, families, groups and communities.
  3. Develop plans to promote health based on SDA Biblical health principles.
  4. Demonstrate awareness of innovative health care modalities, technology and tools used in nursing practice.
  5. Illustrate social and professional responsibility through reflection on participation in leadership and/or service-learning experiences.

Required General Education Selections

(No Grade below C) 

Biblical Studies, Health, and Wellness

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Science and Mathematics 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Social and Behavioral Sciences 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Humanities and Fine Arts elective 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours


Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Each course taken by the student may be applied to only one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours