Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

This curriculum is appropriate for students planning a career in industry or graduate study in computer science. It provides computer science majors with a broad-based knowledge in areas such as computer programming, algorithm design and analysis, computer architecture, and computer networks. The program includes adequate courses from mathematics to provide the quantitative tools required for problem solving in computer science. 

Students who complete the B.S. in Computer Science will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Explain how a mathematical concept reveals a Biblical principle(s) or attribute of God which will allow students to view the field of Computer Science through the lens of the Bible
  2. Write a C++ program to implement a complex algorithm using Objected Oriented concepts
  3. Convert mathematical concepts into computer data structures
  4. Simulate the components of a CPU (e.g. Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Register Bank, Control Unit, or Program Counter) 

Free Electives

Sub-Total Hours

Required General Education selections

Science and Mathematics

(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours


(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Each course taken by the student may be applied to only one program: general education, major, minor, or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours