Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration, Human Resource Management

This concentration focuses on people as human resources in domestic and global organizations, and examines the overall purpose in which human resources are utilized to achieve and maximize employee performance and productivity in the organization and workplace. Students will also learn the function of the HR department processes domestically and globally in areas such as employee-benefits and compensation; employee recruitment; training and development; and performance appraisals, etc. as it relates to organizational behavior and change. 

Students who complete this concentration in Human Resource Management will be proficient in the follow student learning outcomes:

  1. Execute understanding of applications, concepts, terms, processes and strategies of human resource management pertaining to HR department and management
  2. Develop a knowledge base of the abilities, expertise and skills necessary to effectively manage a human resource department
  3. Interpret domestic and global trends impacting the field of human resource management
  4. Evaluate employee training and career development; and employee benefits and compensation packages
  5. Examine the influence of employment law and labor relations on HR planning in organizations
  6. Design of a plan for human resources that contribute to an organization’s overall performance and strategy
  7. Apply general biblical principles pertaining to ethics, problem-solving and decision-making that is applicable to human resource management

Free Electives

Sub-Total Hours

Required General Education selections


(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Science and Mathematics

(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

MA 121 or MA 122 may be required before MA 171.

Students who opt to take MA 211 instead of MA 171 may have to find a substation for 1 credit hour. 

Each course taken by the student may be applied to only one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours