Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration, Health Care Administration

This concentration provides a broad understanding of health care management and hands-on experience in applying learned principles. It is designed for those persons interested in a career in health care administration. Graduates will be prepared for careers in health care organizations, including hospitals, public agencies, health care networks, group practices, long-term care, and managed-care settings. 

Students who complete the concentration in Health Care Administration will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Critique the current U.S. Healthcare Delivery System based on its historical development, how it operates today, who participates in the system, what legal and ethical issues arise as a result of the system, how it is financed, and what problems continue to plague the health care system
  2. Appraise the operational and resource responsibilities of today’s health care administrators and the utility of products and services offered by health care organizations
  3. Formulate a knowledge base of the abilities, skills, and expertise essential to managing complex health organization in an environment of constant change.
  4. Critique the response of the current health care environment to the vast array of challenges including regulatory and policy changes; medicinal and technological advancements; funding; education; and ethical issues that plague the industry
  5. Evaluate the rationale for a health care system oriented to chronic care
  6. Develop a major management project that evaluates and critiques the management functions of the health care institution or agency to which the student has been assigned for a practicum experience, and provides recommendations for improvements in the production and provision of care.
  7. Demonstrate the general application of biblical principles in relations to the role of moral and ethical decision-making in the health care industry

Required General Education selections


(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Science and Mathematics

(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

MA 121 or MA 122 may be required before MA 171.

Students who opt to take MA 211 instead of MA 171 may have to find a substation for 1 credit hour. 

Each course taken by the student may be applied to only one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours