Bachelor of Music

Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy


This is a professional degree and is designed to better prepare undergraduate vocal music majors to meet the entrance requirements for graduate schools, schools of music, and conservatories, or to teach studio voice. 

Students who complete the B.M. in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate through teaching practicum the understanding of the breath cycle, phonation, the vocal tract, and vocal health to a party inexperienced in the art of singing
  2. Demonstrate the ability to pronounce English, German, French, Italian, and Latin with correct phonemes
  3. Demonstrate knowledge of operatic literature for beginning voice students with appropriate libretto and character study
  4. Demonstrate ability of teaching private lessons though a supervised practicum
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of representative composers, poets, and works, with extensive listening and performing in class

Major Requirements

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Each course taken by the student may be applied to one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours