Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Visual Media, Graphic Design


Visual Media is a wide-ranging field encompassing written word, imaging, and creative design. The Bachelor of Arts in Visual Media prepares students for exciting careers in graphic design, and photography. Teaching methodologies include artistic and graphic theory, hands on assignments, and practical experiences.

Students may earn this BA degree in one of two concentrations: Communication Arts or Public Relations.

Required General Education Selections:

Students must select the following Humanities and Arts Elective: AR 217. Students must make a minimum grade of C in AR 217 Art Appreciation, EN 111/EN111Lab-EN 112 Freshman Composition, and CO 201 Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Each course taken by the student may be applied to one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

Students who complete the concentration in Graphic Design will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Integrate principles of aesthetics in visual design concepts.
  2. Exhibit application of digital photography.
  3. Develop a professional body of work.
  4. Show effective use of typography as related to graphic design.
  5. Produce compelling print and digital media using computer layout programs.
  6. Illustrate through production, effective media layouts.

Major Requirements

Core Requirements 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Concentration Requirements

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Minor Required

Sub-Total Hours

Required General Education Selections

Humanities and Arts Elective

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Students must make a minimum grade of C in AR 217 Art Appreciation, EN 111/EN111Lab-EN 112 Freshman Composition, and CO 201 Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Each course taken by the student may be applied to one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours