Child Development


CD 101: Introduction to Child Development and Family Studies

Credits 1
A survey of child development and family studies as a field of study, its organizational framework, growth and expansion, and present status; exploration of career opportunities in child development, child life, and family life. (Formerly FS 101 Introduction to Family and Consumer Sciences)

CD 210: Principles of Early Childhood Education

Credits 3
A course designed to give the prospective teacher an understanding of the principles and procedures employed in the organization, management, and supervision of an early childhood education program. (Previously FS 210).

CD 231: Developing Creativity in Young Children

Credits 3
Development of creativity and self-expression in children through stories, music, rhymes, play activities, and creative media. One three-hour laboratory is required each week. (Previously FS 231).

CD 302: Preschool Environments

Credits 3
Examination of preschool programs in alternative environments, including criteria for physical facilities, child health and safety, personnel and licensing, management of finances, and current legislation. (Previously FS 302).

CD 305: Parent-Child Relations

Credits 3
Current theories related to the effects of various parenting methods. Emphasis on designing a learning environment within the home for the holistic development of the child.

CD 315: Literacy for Young Children

Credits 3
This course is designed to deepen the students understanding as it relates to young children’s literature. The course consists of module that allow the students to engage in learning activities that will support their appreciation of children’s literature and the importance of reading out loud to children. The students are required to develop instructional plans focusing on children’s literature and how literature supports young children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development.

CD 355: Human Development

Credits 3
A study of the physical, mental, emotional, and social development of the individual from conception through senescence, with particular emphasis on normal adaptation to change and learning processes. Observation and laboratory are required. (Previously FS 355).

CD 358: Infant and Toddler Development

Credits 3
An in-depth study of infants and toddlers, with special emphasis on developing and setting up creative programs for infants and toddlers. Observation and participation in infant and toddler programs required. (Previously FS 358).

CD 403: Child Development Practicum

Credits 3
Effective methods of working with children, impact of teacher behavior on the behavior of the children, teacher-parent and teacher-teacher relationships. Two lectures and six hours of observation and participation in a child development laboratory program are required each week. (Previously FS 403).

CD 404: Administration and Supervision of Preschools

Credits 3
Effective methods for operating a Development Center are emphasized: essential planning procedures, including curriculum, guidance, health protection, housing, equipment, food service, budgeting, parent-staff relations , social services, and community relations. Six hours of laboratory are required each week. (Previously FS 404).