Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Finance

The degree in Finance focuses on the financial sectors of the modern economy. Students are taught the concept of value: the creation of wealth. Students will be challenged to be critical thinkers and to master fundamental financial management tools used in analyzing and executing the financial aspects of managerial decisions. Graduates majoring in Finance will be prepared to find employment in financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and brokerage firms; with government agencies; and in church institutions. 

Students who complete the B.S. in Finance be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate comprehension of basic finance concepts, principles and theories
  2. Use Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) and other valuation techniques to value projects and firms
  3. Appraise contemporary measures of performance and risk in Financial Institutions
  4. Evaluate the global environment and the impact in making financial decisions
  5. Build a diversified portfolio and assess its performance
  6. Illustrate the general application of biblical principles for ethical decision-making in finance

Free Electives

Sub-Total Hours

Required General Education selections


(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Science and Mathematics

(no grade below C) 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

MA 121 or MA 122 may be required before MA 171.

Students who opt to take MA 211 instead of MA 171 may have to find a substation for 1 credit hour. 

Each course taken by the student may be applied to only one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours