Theological and Religious Studies


RT 221: Biblical Hermeneutics

Credits 2
An introduction to the principles and methods of biblical interpretation with emphasis on Christocentric interpretation. Special consideration is given to Seventh-day Adventist interpretation and the relationship between interpretation and spirituality. Students develop the ability to assess various critical methodologies and apply interpretive principles responsibly.

RT 223: Philosophy and Christian Thought

Credits 2
An introduction to the rigor of critical thinking in the context of human quest for truth and meaning. Through an historical approach, this course highlights the contributions of the major philosophers to the development of disciplines such as epistemology, ontology, metaphysics, empiricism, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, logic, and ethics. It is geared toward the understanding of pre-modernity, modernity, and postmodernity. It evaluates philosophical postulates in the light of biblical verities and aims at establishing the relationship between faith and learning.

RT 322: World Religions

Credits 2
A survey of the development, beliefs, worldviews, and practices of the religions of the world, including African and Caribbean traditions as well as modern religious movements. Special emphasis will be placed on their relationship with Christianity.

RT 331: Introduction to Biblical Theology

Credits 3
A survey of the theological themes found in select biblical literature that inform Seventh- day Adventist thought. This course provides an opportunity for deeper reflection on the hermeneutics of scripture within theology.

RT 421: Christian Theology I

Credits 3
An introductory survey of the development of Christian thought from A.D. 100 to 1300. Treatment is given to the task of theology, theological principles and methods, and biblical critique of theological ideas. Dogmatic categories include theology, Christology, pneumatology, anthropology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology. Students explore the relevance of theological reflection for modern church and society.

RT 422: Christian Theology II

Credits 2
To enable new depth of understanding of Christian theological thought from the Reformation to contemporary movements in society and the academy. The additional credit hour would also enable attention to be given to theological hermeneutics and methods relating to selected dogmatic categories. Specific attention is also given to the contemporary African American theology and other theologies of liberation.

RT 490: Research and Independent Study

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
A research project tailored to the student’s area of academic or professional interest. This course does to substitute for lecture courses.

RT 491: Research and Independent Study

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
A research project tailored to the student’s area of academic or professional interest. This course does to substitute for lecture courses.