Health Care Administration


HC 325: Introduction to Health Services Administration

Credits 3
A broad orientation to the health delivery system. Orientation to the role of the health services manager and/or supervisor. Provides organizational theory and practical information about health administration. Students will investigate the organizational and environmental contexts within which a health manager works. Laboratory is required where students will visit various community health facilities.

HC 330: Legal Aspects and Ethics of Health Care

Credits 3
Presentation of the historical perspectives, current status, and future projections in the field. Concepts of corporate liability, malpractice, and professional negligence. Informed consent, incident reporting, and the importance of accurate and complete records stressed. Emphasis on the prevention rather than the defense of legal actions. Examination of the role of ethics and moral decision-making in the everyday life of the health service manager, with special emphasis on the various professional codes of ethics.

HC 340: Health Technology and Human Diseases

Credits 3
The purpose of this course is to examine advances in health technology as they relate to human diseases. As future health care administrators, students will assess the impact of cutting-edge technologies on administrative functions including capital budgeting and strategic planning and have a framework for understanding and applying this knowledge to diagnostic tests and procedures determined by different diseases of the human body. The course also provides the administrator with in-depth knowledge about specific diseases which aids in the analysis of research data necessary for success in the critical functions of supervision.

HC 454: Long Term Care Administration

Credits 3
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the long-term health care delivery system to give the students a working knowledge of the wholistic approach to the care of the elderly and long-term care individuals. It will give an overview of some of the emotional and physiological needs of individuals who require long-term care. Other areas of concentration will be financing, managing, standards, and compliance for quality.

HC 495: Health Services Management Problems and Research

Credits 3
Seminar type course where selected health service management problems such as the current and emerging challenges in financing, organizational changes, and managerial functions will be identified, studied, and evaluated.

HC 497: Practicum in Human Care Management

Credits 6
An on-the-job experience provided in selected institutions and agencies related to the student’s career interest. Students obtain firsthand knowledge of the operational world of work by devoting full-time effort to observing and participating in the management functions. Depending on the student’s background and interest, the internship may be in one specific department or rotate among many departments. Routine written reports are required. A major management project will be completed. Faculty direction provided by telephone and on-site visitations. Students return to campus periodically for group sharing of their experiences with each other. Students put in a minimum of 250 work hours.