

EG 108: Introduction to Computational Tools

Credits 3
The primary goal for this course is to teach students to solve problems of scale using a variety of computer tools. The course introduces STEM students to the fundamental principles of programming for solving computational problems. Languages may include MATLAB, EXCEL, and others as appropriate.

EG 201: Introduction to Engineering

Credits 3

Introduces the profession of engineering and its various disciplines. Reviews selected mathematical concepts in Algebra, Plane Geometry, and Trigonometry and applies them to solving selected engineering problems using graphical techniques. Includes engineering units/standards/scales of measure and design concepts. Introduces the organization and construction of freehand drawings/sketches. Students will learn how to analyze, formulate, and solve selected engineering problems. (Formerly EG 111 Introduction to Engineering).

EG 211: Statics

Credits 3
The study of physical systems that remain at rest under the action of a set of forces. Topics include: forces, resultant forces, moments, couples, equivalent systems, rigid body equilibrium, 2-D and 3-D force bodies, distributed loads, trusses, frames, machines, shear and bending moment diagrams, static and kinematic friction, wedges, belt friction, and moments of inertia.

EG 212: Engineering Graphics I with AutoCAD

Credits 3
Encompasses the field of engineering design graphics and its application to the design process. Designed to develop a student’s imagination and to devise methods of creating innovative solutions. Major course content includes: design and creativity, computer graphics, engineering drawing, descriptive geometry, and problem solving using two-dimensional computer graphics by AutoCAD. Assignments will emphasize design techniques. (Formerly EG 112 Engineering Graphics).

EG 312: Engineering Graphics II with AutoCAD Certification

Credits 3
This course aims at fully readying student for the AutoCAD User Certification exam. Students will explore essential techniques used in computer-aided design (CAD), including complex plotting, external reference and image files, and customization. This course is part 2 of the AutoCAD sequence and will build upon concepts and add new concepts in 2D drawing and 3D modeling essential to the AutoCAD User Certification exam. At the end of this course, students can take the AutoCAD User Certification Exam. Once certified, students will be qualified for an entry level AutoCAD job assignment.

EG 490: Research and Independent Study

Credits 1 Max Credits 3

An independent study or an original investigation in engineering by the student under the guidance of the faculty. Topics covered will be based on current real-world engineering problems. In this course students are required to demonstrate their ability to write, using standard English.