

SO 101: Principles of Sociology

Credits 3
An introduction to the field of sociology, terms and concepts related to human behavior, and the influences of social and cultural factors upon human behavior.

SO 231: Social Problems

Credits 3
An analysis of areas of social behavior considered to be problems in contemporary American society.

SO 241: Race Relations

Credits 3
A scientific approach to the study of racial elements in the population of the United States, with particular emphasis on White and African-American groups.

SO 320: Social Psychology

Credits 3
The study of group affiliations, group standards, social perceptions, and other social factors influencing the behavior of individuals and interaction among groups.

SO 361: Marriage and the Family

Credits 3
This course is a survey of the family in society. Students explore how the family is impacted by changing societal trends. Students will explore relationship formation, marriage, parenting, family stressors, and marital disruption from a spiritual perspective.

SO 398: Probation and Parole

Credits 3
A study of the role of the probation officer in the social rehabilitation of juvenile and adult offenders. Theory of probation and parole in relation to actual case histories. Techniques of counseling and guiding the adult and juvenile offender in and out of the correctional institution.