Skill Development Courses

Incoming freshmen entering Oakwood University must pursue a prescribed course of developmental studies during their first year, which may include any of the following: EN 111 with Lab support. Students must register for developmental courses when the following conditions exist: 

  • High School GPA is below 2.00; student must register for OU 101 with Lab
  • ACT composite is less than 17 or SAT total less than 920
  • ACT mathematics score is less than 14 or SAT mathematics score is less than 360; student must register for MA 108 with Lab

These developmental courses, which are in addition to the 120 hours needed for graduation, must each be passed with a minimum grade of C before registering for other courses in English and mathematics. Any course failed must be repeated until passed. Grades and hours from developmental courses will not be computed for graduation purposes in the cumulative GPA