Master of Arts

Master of Arts in Urban Ministry and Community Development

Program Description

The Master of Arts in Urban Ministry and Community Development (MAUM) is a professional degree that fosters the spiritual growth, intellectual development and the integrative practical skills of its graduates. It is a thirty-six (36) semester hour program delivered in an online and hybrid format. The program is grounded in the academic disciplines of biblical and theological studies, and pastoral praxis. It also interacts with other academic disciplines to enhance contextual learning and benchmark from best professional practices. The degree emphasizes the role of the Christian Church in the urban ministry context. It seeks to develop competencies in contextual assessment, development of contextual ministries, leadership, and management of urban ministry projects. The degree explores Christian identity and its correspondent responsibility of service to others.

Program Objectives:

The graduate of the MA in Urban Ministries and Community Development will be able to:

  1. Exemplify the character of Christ, as evidenced by a life of faith, moral integrity, and compassion for others.
  2. Apply biblical, theological and theoretical foundations to ministry situations in the urban context.
  3. Relate Seventh-day Adventist heritage and Black identity to an effective urban ministry.
  4. Design faith-based community development programs and interventions for diverse populations, in local and global settings.

Degree Requirements:

Biblical/Theological Foundations:

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Adventist Heritage & Other Religious Traditions:

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Track 2: Prerequisites Unmet


Item #
Sub-Total Hours
Degree requirements (above): 36
Total hours required: 38-49
Total Hours