School of Business (Graduate)

Dean: Theodore Brown, Sr., Ph.D. 

Chair: Theodore Brown, Sr., Ph.D. 

M.B.A. Program Director: Raghavalu Ramella, Ph.D.

Graduate Faculty:

  • Richard Blanco-Topping, Ph.D.
  • Theodore Brown, Sr., Ph.D.
  • Dawn Turner, Ph.D.
  • Handel Fraser, Ed.D.
  • Japheth Kessio, Ph.D.
  • Leslie Pollard, Ph.D.
  • Prudence Pollard, Ph.D.
  • Raghavalu Ramella, Ph.D.
  • C. Leon Thomas, Ph.D.

Mission Statement

The mission of the School of Business is to provide students with a quality Christian education in business and information systems, enabling them to meet the challenges of the global competitive market.


Oakwood University, through its Business and Information Systems Department, is nationally accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) to offer the following business degree:

  • Bachelor of Science (B.S.) with majors in Accounting, Finance, Management Information Systems and Organizational Management; the
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) with concentrations in Health Care Administration, Management, Human Resource Management, and Marketing;
  • Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.) with a concentration in Leadership (application pending).

Prerequisites for Admission

Applicants with undergraduate degrees in disciplines other than business/business-related programs must take three (3) courses from the following categories prior to starting the MBA professional core:

  • Research or Statistics
  • Principles of Accounting or Accounting for Managers or Economics or Finance
  • Principles of Management or Organizational Behavior or Human Resources

Admission Requirements

The School of Business considers both qualitative and quantitative factors when considering an applicant’s acceptance into graduate programs. While no single formula exists for determining acceptance, the following factors are considered: undergraduate GPA, undergraduate degree, recommendations, and the application essay (statement of purpose). These factors, as well as additional factors, are considered in determining the applicant’s potential for success in our graduate programs as well as success in a business career upon completion of our program. In addition to the general admission requirements for graduate study, a candidate for a Master of Business Administration will comply with the following requirements unless noted otherwise in specific degree requirements:

  1. A baccalaureate degree in business with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or a graduate degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0, or an international equivalent, from an accredited institution [official transcript required]. Students who have completed an undergraduate degree other than in business will need to complete three (3) pre-requisite courses as shown in the course requirements for the MBA program.
  2. Completion of a graduate application form [which includes the need for a statement of purpose and three (3) recommendations].
  3. Payment of a nonrefundable application fee of $100.00.
  4. Applicants whose native language is not English are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign language (TOEFL) and score at least 500 (written test) or 173 (computer test). All TOEFL scores must be sent directly from Educational Testing Service to the Oakwood University Office of Graduate Education. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher from an accredited institution whose language of instruction is English will be exempted from the TOEFL.

Provisional Admission

A student accepted on academic provisional basis may be admitted to regular status upon the completion of 12 credit hours taken through Oakwood with a minimum grade of B in each course. Students are not permitted to repeat courses in order to satisfy this requirement. Students who do not satisfy this requirement will not be permitted to continue in the program. This provision does not apply to students accepted provisionally for other reasons.

Admission to the Program

Students may be admitted into the program during fall or spring semester.

Time Limits

The programs are structured to meet the needs of the part-time as well as the full-time student. Normal progress through the programs for the full-time student will be four courses per semester. Normal progress for part-time students will be one or more courses per semester. The time allowed from enrollment to the graduate program to the conferring of the Master of Business Administration degree may not exceed five years. Application for an extension will be considered on an individual basis.


The last 25 semester hours must be taken through the Oakwood University School of Business.

Transfer Credit and Progression

  1. A maximum of eleven semester hours with a minimum grade of B may be transferred into the program to satisfy graduation requirements provided they are equivalent to course requirements and were completed within the last five (5) years. The School of Business graduate of Oakwood University will evaluate all requests for transfer credit and make the final determination about the courses and credits that will be accepted.
  2. A course may be repeated one time for the purpose of improving the GPA. A maximum of two courses may be repeated.

Second Emphasis

Each emphasis must include a minimum of 12 hours that do not overlap with any other emphasis.

Graduation Requirements

A candidate must:

  1. Complete an application to graduate, which must be filed with the Office of Graduate Education two months prior to the anticipated graduation date.
  2. Complete a minimum of 36 semester hours in accordance with program requirements, maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.
  3. Complete all course requirements according to schedule and within six (6) years of initial acceptance. Part-time participants must take at least one course per semester in order to complete the program in six (6) years.
  4. Complete three (3) semester hours of core courses, and three (3) semester hours of specialty courses with a minimum grade of B.
  5. Complete eighteen (18) semester hours in the concentration with no grade below C+ and a GPA of 3.0.
