Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)


Federal regulations require Oakwood University to ensure all students receiving Title IV aid maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). SAP is defined by successfully meeting the following criteria:

  1. Cumulate GPA - maintain a GPA of 2.00 or better. Students only attempting 1-24 hours must have a GPA of 1.70 or better. All graduate school students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.00.
Hours attempted Required Cumulative GPA
1-24 1.70
25+ 2.00
  1. Pace (Completion Rate) - student must successfully complete 67 percent of all course work attempted. (see below)
  2. Maximum Timeframe - all degrees must be completed within 150 percent of the published academic program hours.

Students failing to meet any ONE of these criteria will become ineligible for Financial Aid.

Pace is calculated as follows:

Hours successfully completed divided by Total hours attempted = Completion Rate

The following are included in the Pace Calculation for SAP

  • Total Hours Earned = all coursework with a grade hours for A, B, C, or D
  • Total Hours Attempted = Total Hours Earned plus all grades of F, W, and I

For the purpose of SAP criteria, GPA hours may also include:

  • Hours accepted for transfer
  • Repeated coursework
  • Coursework in which a student is granted academic forgiveness
  • Courses that are remedial

Notification of Failure to Meet SAP

The Financial Aid Office will review the Satisfactory Academic Progress of undergraduate students after the spring semester of each academic year for any student that attended any term of the academic year. Students who have not met Satisfactory Academic Progress are place in a Financial Aid suspension status. Students on suspension are classified as ineligible for aid and are not eligible for Title IV federal aid programs or state funding. There is no warning period in which a student can receive aid for an additional semester if SAP requirements are not met.

Students who are identified as not making SAP will be notified via email regarding their status for the upcoming term.

Students who are determined to be ineligible for federal financial aid under the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy may appeal this determination if the student feels extenuating circumstances are major factors in their inability to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Extenuating circumstances are documented conditions beyond the student’s control (e.g., injury, illness, or family crisis). All appeals must be submitted through Campus logic to the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid SAP Appeal Process

Students who need to appeal will be sent a link from (formerly VerifyMyFAFSA) to complete a SAP appeal. Third party documentation that corroborates the students’ reason for appeal is required. It is helpful to have as many forms of documentation as possible. Students will not be allowed to enter classes via MyOakwood, secure dorm rooms, or otherwise move forward with registration until a Financial Aid SAP appeal has been approved. The appeal will begin within 10 business days of receiving the completed SAP appeal form and documentation. Decisions are made after a careful evaluation of the circumstances, the documentation submitted, Federal Title IV regulations, and the Oakwood University guidelines. Students will be notified of the committee’s decisions via their OU email account. During this time, students are responsible for any tuition and fees (including late fees) that are charged to their accounts.

SAP Appeal Deadlines

Students must submit the completed appeal and all required documentation with required signature by:

  • May 7 (for students planning to take Summer classes)
  • July 1 to appeal for the upcoming Fall Semester
  • December 15 (only for students that must be reviewed for Spring)

Failure to meet these deadlines will likely result in the following:

  • significant delay in receiving a response from the SAP committee
  • late registration fees
  • inability to register for needed classes
  • loss of financial aid eligibility

Students whose GPA/Pace appeals are approved will fall into one of the following categories: 

  • PROBATION - If an appeal is approved for one semester, it will be classified as a “PROBATION” appeal and the student will receive aid for one semester. After that semester the student must be meet the SAP criteria in order to receive future financial aid. If the SAP criteria are not met after one semester on PROBATION, the student will be ineligible for financial aid until such time as the SAP criteria are met.
  • Financial Aid Probation – A status a school assigns to a student who is failing to make satisfactory academic progress and who successfully appeals. Eligibility for aid may be reinstated for one payment period with an academic plan.
  • ACADEMIC PLAN - If it is determined that it will take a student more than one semester to meet the SAP criteria in one probationary term, the student may submit an appeal that includes an Academic Plan approved by both the academic advisor and an advisor from the Center for Student Success (CSS). Financial aid will be approved based on the terms of the Academic Plan. However, the student will be required to meet the terms of the plan as outlined in the SAP letter from the SAP committee. Failure to meet the terms of the plan each semester will result in the student becoming ineligible for further financial aid. If determined, based on the appeal, that the student should be able to meet the SAP standards by the end of the subsequent payment period, the student may be placed on probation without an academic plan.

Condition of Approved Status

Students are expected to participate in no less than six MANDATORY in office academic counseling sessions throughout the current probationary semester with an assigned CSS Advisor. A minimum of six counseling sessions and the attainment of a 2.00 current GPA are required to maintain eligibility of Federal Title IV financial aid (ex. Stafford Loan Program, Pell grant, TEACH Grant, Federal Work Study, SEOG, etc.). Counseling sessions are available and designed to assist students in improving their academic standing and to provide needed assistance while monitoring progress toward reaching a minimum GPA of 2.00. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE CONDITIONS MAY RESULT IN A LOSS OF ANY FUTURE TITLE IV FUNDING.

Regaining Title IV Eligibility

A student can regain eligibility only by taking action that brings them into compliance with the school’s satisfactory academic progress standards.

Maximum Degree Completion Timeframe of 150%

Federal regulations require that students complete their degree requirements within 150% of the published semester hour length of the academic program. Oakwood University is required to notify students at the point in time it determines that they may not be able to meet the 150% requirement regardless of GPA or Pace. If it is determined that a student has not met the 150% criteria, the student may submit a Program Completion Plan from their academic advisor indicating the total number of remaining credit hours required to achieve their academic program. If additional credits are granted, the student will be ineligible for financial aid once those credits have been ATTEMPTED, regardless of the grade earned. Appealing more than once for additional credits is extremely difficult and requires BOTH extenuating circumstances and extensive documentation for an appeal to be considered.