Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Ministerial Theology, Pastoral Care and Pre-Chaplaincy

The Bachelor of Arts in Ministerial Theology is designed to equip students for various vocational options in ministry and provide a foundation for graduate education. The degree requirements emphasize Christian spirituality and ministerial knowledge and skills. In addition to core requirements for the major, students must choose from one of two concentrations: Pastoral/Evangelistic Ministry or Pastoral Care and Pre-Chaplaincy Ministry. 

Students who complete the requirements for the B.A. in Ministerial Theology will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Exemplify the character of Christ, as evidenced by Biblical spirituality, compassion, interpersonal skills, ethics, and cultural fluency.
  2. Apply critically informed hermeneutical and exegetical principles to a Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist interpretation of Scripture.
  3. Utilize traditional Seventh-day Adventist perspectives in the critical analysis of common Christian doctrines and the history of the Christian church.
  4. Transfer knowledge of basic pastoral responsibilities to effective entry level pastoral leadership in local congregations.

The major in Ministerial Theology with the Pastoral Care and Pre-Chaplaincy concentration will be proficient in the following student learning outcome: 

1. Apply foundational level pastoral care and counseling skills in clinical settings

General Education Requirements

Total Hours