Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies and Languages, Pre-Seminary

The program in Biblical Studies and Languages is designed both for the person who desires to enter pastoral ministry with a strong Biblical studies and languages component, while fulfilling pre-seminary requirements, as well as the one who desires special training in Bible research and inquiry although not necessarily claiming a “call” or commitment to traditional pastoral ministry. Such a curriculum may lead to a variety of areas of religious service principally teaching Bible on college, university, or graduate levels and provides a religious foundation for law, dentistry, education, medicine, paramedical, or technological professions. (Certification to teach Bible on elementary or academy/high school levels should be pursued through the “Religious Education” major. A double major consisting of the BA in Biblical Studies and Languages and the BS in Religious Education is also possible). All students in this major take courses in the “Major Requirements” section and then select either Pre-Seminary concentration or Pre-professional minor concentration equivalency. The remaining credits are earned from free electives.

Student Learning Outcomes 

Students who complete the requirements in Biblical Studies and Languages will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Exemplify the character of Christ, as evidenced by Biblical spirituality, compassion, interpersonal skills, ethics, and cultural fluency
  2. Apply critically informed hermeneutical and exegetical principles to a Christ-centered, Seventh-day Adventist interpretation of scripture
  3. Apply knowledge of Ancient Near Eastern and Classical languages and history to biblical exegesis and theology

General Education Requirements

Total Hours