Religion: Biblical Studies


RB 311: New Testament I

Credits 3
An introductory survey of the Pauline Epistles, utilizing the book of Acts as a historical resource. Each letter is analyzed exegetically. Emphasis is given to Paul’s major themes, including God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and last day events, as well as the relevance of Paul’s message to ministerial practice and contemporary Christian living.

RB 312: New Testament II

Credits 3
An introductory survey of Hebrews, Revelation, and the General Epistles, which include James, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude, 1, 2, and 3 John. Each letter is analyzed exegetically. Emphasis is given to major themes, including God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the church, salvation, and last day events, as well as the relevance of each author’s message to ministerial practice and contemporary Christian living.

RB 401: Hebrew Prophets

Credits 3
This course is part of a two-semester sequence (with RB 402). The overall goal of the two- semester sequence is to introduce students to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. This is an introductory survey of the Prophets (Former and Latter). The messages of each book are explored in light of their historical, geographical, literary, and theological contexts. Special attention is given to major approaches to the study of the Old Testament, as well as methodological issues in the Christological interpretation of the Old Testament.

RB 402: Pentateuch and Writings

Credits 3
This course is part of a two-semester sequence (with RB 401). The overall goal of the two- semester sequence is to introduce students to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible. This is an introductory survey of the Pentateuch and Writings. The messages of each book are explored in light of their historical, geographical, literary, and theological contexts. Special attention is given to major approaches to the study of the Old Testament, as well as methodological issues in the Christological interpretation of the Old Testament.

RB 415: Seminar in Biblical Exegesis

Credits 3
An in-depth exegetical study of selected books and/or passages from the Old and New Testaments using the tools gained from other courses. A major paper is required in which the student demonstrates skill and knowledge in biblical exegesis. The passages to be covered will be selected by the instructor.

RB 417: Studies in Daniel

Credits 3
An exegetical exploration of the messages of Daniel in light of their historical, literary, and theological contexts. Emphasis is given to the interpretation and application of apocalyptic prophecy from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective.

RB 418: Studies in Revelation

Credits 3
An exploration of the messages of Revelation in light of their historical, literary, and theological contexts. Emphasis is given to the interpretation and application of apocalyptic prophecy from a Seventh-day Adventist perspective.

RB 490: Research and Independent Study

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
A research project tailored to the student’s area of academic or professional interest. This course does not substitute for lecture courses.

RB 491: Research and Independent Study

Credits 1 Max Credits 3
A research project tailored to the student’s area of academic or professional interest. This course does not substitute for lecture courses.