

PL 101: Logic I

Credits 1
Introduces the student to the science of reasoning. Special emphasis is given to the use of arguments and methods of reasoning. All this is done in the light of the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).

PL 115: Intro to Legal Studies

Credits 3

This introductory course will examine all aspects of majoring in Pre-law and Legal studies. Students will be introduced to law, the process for becoming a legal professional, how law is practiced, and different career and educational opportunities within the profession. Students will be given tools that can be implemented throughout the rest of their educational experience. 

PL 201: Logic II

Credits 1
Introduces the student to the science of reasoning. Special emphasis is given to the use of arguments and methods of reasoning. All this is done in the light of the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).

PL 215: LSAT Prep I

Credits 2
Uses graphical methods to display the structure of reasoning and argumentation with the intention of advancing critical thinking. Students will be introduced to the science of reasoning. Special emphasis is given to the use of arguments and methods of reasoning. Most of the material used in theses course will be designed to help the student become more proficient at answering questions found on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).

PL 250: Mock Trial

Credits 1
The purpose of this class is to enhance the knowledge of the American adversary system through in-depth study of trial procedure and evidentiary rules. The primary teaching vehicle is simulated trial based on the official hypothetical case published by the American Mock Trial Association.

PL 252: Moot Court

Credits 1
The purpose of this course is to build students’ familiarity with actual case law and the Constitution of the United States. It hones oral advocacy and analytical skills that will be useful far beyond a career in law.

PL 275: Legal Research

Credits 3
Legal research is the cornerstone of the legal profession, without is students will not be prepared for law school or the profession. The course provides an introduction to sources of law, legal reasoning, interpretive methodologies, and professional responsibility. It teaches the sources and techniques for basic legal research. Students’ ability to write legal documents will be developed by taking this course.

PL 280: Legal Assistant Certification

Credits 3
Students will participate in an American Bar Association (ABA) approved course, upon which they will receive a certification as a legal assistant. This certification will enable a student to work in an official capacity for an attorney.

PL 301: Critical Thinking I

Credits 2
The class uses graphical methods to display the structure of reasoning and argumentation with the intention of advancing critical thinking. Most of the material used in this course will be designed to help the student become more proficient at doing questions found on the Law School Admissions Test. (LSAT).

PL 302: Critical Thinking II

Credits 2
The class uses graphical methods to display the structure of reasoning and argumentation with the intention of advancing critical thinking. Most of the material used in this course will be designed to help the student become more proficient at doing questions found on the Law School Admissions Test. (LSAT).

PL 315: LSAT Prep II

Credits 2
Uses graphical methods to display the structure of reasoning and argumentation with the intention of advancing critical thinking. Students will be introduced to the science of reasoning. Special emphasis is given to the use of arguments and methods of reasoning. Most of the material used in theses course will be designed to help the student become more proficient at answering questions found on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT).

PL 350: Negotiations

Credits 3
This course will introduce students to the world of business through the skill of negotiating. Students will learn the skills required in business in making deals, negotiating contracts, and resolving conflicts. Students will be able to effectively determine business goals and strategically reach them.

PL 375: Special Topics in Law

Credits 3
This introductory course will examine significant and practical issues and problems that arise in criminal law, civil law, family law, property law, religious and liberty and administrative law. Students will demonstrate legal scholarship and skills through drafting memoranda, motions and briefs, and through presenting oral argumentation and debate on relevant issues.

PL 485: Legal Writing

Credits 3
This course will prepare students for writing in law school and legal practice. Students will be taught how to write various legal papers and gain the tools necessary to be successful in law school and the legal workforce.