Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies

This major is designed to prepare students for admission into law school via the 3+3 program. Upon successful completion of the program requirements, students will be able to start law school after completing three years at Oakwood University. Special emphasis is given to LSAT preparation, legal analysis, critical thinking, writing and editing, legal research and exposure to the law.

Students who complete the B.A. in Legal Studies will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes: 

  1. Discuss matters of law from a Biblical foundation
  2. Interpret the law
  3. Examine ethical problems in law
  4. Critique court decisions using appropriate citation methods
  5. Incorporate technological tools to communicate key concepts within law 

Students may choose one of the following: 

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

General Education Requirements

Social and Behavioral Sciences

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

*(Students must complete all program requirements and be admitted into law school to graduate with this degree. Students do not have to complete a minor) 

General Education Requirements

Total Hours