PE 330: Methods of Teaching Physical Education in 3 hours Elementary and Secondary Schools

Class Program
Credits 3.0

This course explores the organization and teaching of elementary and secondary physical education. Emphasis is given to theory, practical demonstration, decision making, ethics and professionalism. Theories include Metacognitive Theory as applied to physical performance. Practical demonstrations in the use of technology to enhance physical education instruction are provided. Teacher candidates use content knowledge, knowledge of various assessment and teaching strategies, including the use of technology, to develop a physical education curriculum for elementary and/or secondary students. Candidates reference The Alabama Course of Study: Physical Education and consult local expectations for P-12 students to guide lesson planning and selection of objectives. Plans must consider the availability and management of resources to address the diverse physical education needs and abilities of individuals and groups. Candidates demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in addressing student needs. Practicum block is required.


EN 112 and junior standing.


Required field experience hours: 42 hours (Part of the 6-day Practicum Block 2; 7 hours/day).