Outstanding Balance Policy

Students with a balance who are not returning to the University must pay in full within sixty (60) days after separation. Monthly payment arrangements can be made with the Office of Financial Resolution before the sixty (60) days expire to avoid collection procedures. If payment in full or satisfactory arrangements are not met within ninety (90) days, accounts will be turned over to a collections agency.

Students whose names have been submitted to a collections agency have up to thirty (30) days to dispute the charges or pay Oakwood University before the final assignment is made. Once assigned, collection costs up to 33 and 1/3 percent will apply.

It is to the student’s advantage to pay his or her entire balance by the end of each semester. Accounts should be reviewed periodically online to make sure all expected resources/payments have been receipted. The student is liable for any outstanding debt whether or not a statement has been received.

No transcripts are released to students having outstanding balances.