Oakwood Facts


Oakwood University is located five miles northwest of downtown Huntsville, a cosmopolitan city with more than 215,000 people. Situated in north central Alabama, in the beautiful Tennessee Valley, and at the foot of the Appalachian Mountains, Huntsville is home to the Redstone Arsenal and a thriving space industry. The campus of Oakwood University, recipient of the Huntsville Beautification Award, occupies approximately 105 acres in the heart of an expansive 1,185 acre property set at an elevation of 1,100 feet above sea level. The variations in the terrain add to the natural beauty of the campus.

Student Body

The students of Oakwood University come from as many as 40 and 30 countries. The 3-year average enrollment is 1,823 students, approximately 42% male and 58% female. The residential facilities house more than 60 percent of the student body. Family housing is also available for approximately 15 families.


Approximately 106 highly committed faculty relate to students in a caring, family-like atmosphere that emphasizes spiritual growth and academic excellence. More than 70 percent of the faculty hold doctoral degrees. Students are challenged and motivated by faculty to attain new levels of thinking, believing, and achieving. Faculty-student engagement extends beyond the classroom to personal “one-on-one” interaction and group social and religious activities.

Religious Institution Exemption

Oakwood reserves constitutional and statutory rights as a religious institution and employer to give preference to Seventh-day Adventists in admissions and employment. The university believes that Title IX regulations are subject to constitutional guarantees against unreasonable entanglement with or infringements on the religious teachings and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Oakwood expects students and employees to uphold biblical principles of morality and deportment as interpreted by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The university claims exemptions from the provisions of Title IX set forth in CFR Sections 86.21, 86.31, 86.40, and 86.57(b) insofar as they conflict with church teachings and practices of morality, deportment, and appearance.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is prohibited by the university. All students have the right to report and are encouraged to report acts of sexual harassment. Contact the Office of Student Services for reporting procedures.

Disability Accommodations

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Oakwood University is committed to ensuring that all students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations that promote their physical, residential, and academic success. For assistance, students should contact the Disability Support Services at (256) 726-7149.