Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in General Studies


Oakwood University developed its Bachelor of Science in General Studies program to meet the needs of traditional Oakwood students who want to complete their college education without declaring a specific major or minor. Students selecting this degree are encouraged to pursue further education that focuses on a specific discipline or career track.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the B.S. in General Studies will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Present content, whether verbally or in writing, in a coherent, organized fashion
  2. Relate ideas and information effectively utilizing various formats
  3. Support ethical judgments applying general applications of biblical principles
  4. Appraise specific areas of personal responsibility in a domestic and global society
  5. Demonstrate competency in fundamental concepts, methods, and techniques used in various fields
  6. Formulate how at least one area of study applies to a broader picture of human knowledge

Degree Requirements

requirements as stated in the Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees section of this bulletin, with the following variations:

  1. Quantitative requirement 3: Only coursework with a C or better and not including courses fulfilling general education requirements shall be considered for meeting the requirements related to a major (including a minimum of 40 hours of upper division courses). Coursework need not be discipline specific.
  2. Qualitative requirement 2: The coursework identified for Quantitative requirement 3 must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25, with no grade below C (2.00). No grade below C- (1.70) for EN 111 and EN 112, and no grade below D (1.00) in other courses may apply toward the general education requirements.

Students who are interested in this major must contact the director of the program as early as possible to plan their program of study.

All General Studies majors are required to take an exit examination during their senior year. A minimum of 73 percent is required to pass. Students who fail must retake the examination.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours