Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies


The interdisciplinary studies major provides an opportunity for students to pursue an area of interest that crosses disciplines and prepares them to meet the needs of new or undefined/emerging professions and to achieve personal educational goals.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies degree will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate the interrelatedness of their three fields of study.
  2. Apply an interdisciplinary approach to address complex problems and/or new situations.
  3. Critique the strengths and weaknesses of each discipline when applied to problem-solving/decision-making.
  4. Formulate ideas and information effectively utilizing oral, written and appropriate media formats
  5. Differentiate applicable general biblical principles for ethical decision-making in the disciplines

Major Requirements

  1. The general education requirements are the same as for other B.A. degrees.
  2. Instead of a single major, three disciplines of a minimum of 18 hours each are required. Each discipline must include at least 11 upper division hours and fulfill the requirements for a minor in the discipline, if offered. No more than two disciplines may be from the same department.
  3. IN 410 Senior Seminar in Interdisciplinary Studies is required.

Students who are interested in this major are advised to meet with the director of the program as early as possible to plan their program of study.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours