Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology


Careers in information technology/computer information systems-related areas are among the high-earning, fast-growing, and high-demand fields. Professionals who hold technology certifications and degrees can make tremendous advancement in their careers. 

Oakwood University’s Information Technology degree was developed for people with existing knowledge of the field to be able to earn an undergraduate degree. Applicants are expected to have either a minimum of 10 hours of IT-related coursework within the last three years or one year of experience in an IT-related field. 

Students who complete the requirements for the B.S. in Information Technology will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Develop algorithms to solve problems
  2. Write computer code using advanced programming language constructs
  3. Explain how computers perform computations and execute at the hardware level
  4. Secure networks using various operating systems
  5. Install and configureactive directories, services and network hardware/software
  6. Demonstrate proficiency in micro-computing and programming
  7. Identify end-user technologies that can help organization operate more efficiently and more effectively
  8. Diagnose technology needs for organizations

General Education Requirements for all Majors

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Major Requirements

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Students majoring in Information Technology are required to pass an exit examination with at least a grade of C (70%).

Exit Examination 

All Business Administration students are required to successfully pass a standardized examination from Educational Testing Services (ETS), administered near the end of the student’s final semester. There is a charge for the exit exam. Student who take the departmental exam and are unsuccessful must enroll in the BA 250 Business Review course (2 credit hours). An exit exam will be repeated at the end of the BA 250 course. The student is not billed for the second exam taken in the BA 250 course.

Total Degree Requirements includes major hours, elective hours, general education hours for Graduation

Total Hours