
The General Education program of Oakwood University equips students with a broad, informed, Christ-centered understanding of his/her service in the world. Through an integrative and cross-disciplinary course of study, the General Education program provides the foundation for students to develop intellectually, spiritually, physically, and professionally. It also prepares students for the rigors of inquiry and praxis required for courses in their majors. Ultimately, the General Education program prepares students for responsible leadership and service in communities at home and abroad. The General Education curriculum accomplishes this primarily 76

through the active development of six critical competencies—broadening cultural awareness, applying biblical foundations for moral decision-making, using effective oral and written communication, demonstrating critical thinking, applying quantitative and scientific reasoning, and utilizing technology and information literacy appropriately. The final outcome of this integrative and transformative educational process will be seen in the University’s unique product—the Oakwood Man and the Oakwood Woman.