Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Biology, Pre-Dentistry/Pre-Dental Medicine Concentration


The biology program is a four-year time course of study requiring the successful completion of 120 approved semester credits that lead to a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Biology with a specialized concentration. These Biology concentrations is designed to equip the students in such a way that they have courses that prepare them for competitive careers in their careers. Students who complete the B.S. in Biology will be proficient in the following student learning outcomes:

  1. Correctly apply the scientific method
  2. Demonstrate integration of cellular, systemic, and organismal processes
  3. Identify biblical principle in relation to biological concepts and processes
  4. Demonstrate the ability to perform quantitative analysis using instrumentation or other technological resources

Required General Education Selections

(No grade below a C): Students must select the following:

Science and Mathematics

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

MA 171: MA 121, 122, or 123 may be required first

General Education Requirements

Total Hours