Quantitative Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees

  1. The satisfactory completion of required remedial courses and removal of admission deficiencies. This may add to the total hours required to complete the degree.
  2. The satisfactory completion of the general education requirements.
  3. The satisfactory completion of a major of at least 36 hours, including a minimum of 16 hours of upper division courses, except in Interdisciplinary Studies.
  4. The satisfactory completion of a minor, if required (see individual departments). A minor must be between 18-21 hours, of which 8 hours must be upper division.
  5. The satisfactory completion of the oral and written proficiency requirements (English Proficiency Examination and CO 201 Fundamentals of Public Speaking).
  6. The satisfactory completion of two upper division writing emphasis courses of at least 2 hours each, one of which must be in the major. A (W) after a course title designates a writing course. EN112 is a prerequisite for all courses with the (W) designation.
  7. The satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours including 40 hours at the upper division level. Remedial courses are not included in the total credits.
  8. The satisfactory completion of the major departmental exit examination.