Class Absences

Attendance with punctuality is required at all classes and laboratory appointments. Absences are counted from the first official day of classes. If for any reason the total hours of absences are double the number of credit hours of the course per semester, credit may, at the discretion of the instructor, be forfeited and a grade of FA be recorded.

Authorized leaves of absence from campus do not excuse the student from required class work. The student must make arrangements with the teacher for every anticipated school trip and other authorized leaves at least 72 hours before the beginning of such anticipated schedules. All makeup work involving examinations and other class requirements must be made up within seven days after the absence occurs.

It is the responsibility of students to keep a record of their absences, to keep themselves informed of the requirements of the instructor, to take all examinations at the time prescribed by the instructor, and to turn in all assignments when they are due.