Cooperative Programs

Cooperative programs are made available at Oakwood University for visiting students. A visiting student arrangement exists with Alabama A & M University, Athens State College, John C. Calhoun State Community College, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, and Oakwood University. Under this arrangement, a student at any of the participating institutions may request permission to attend a class at one of the other schools. Conditions governing the granting of permission include the following:

  1. The student must be a full-time student.
  2. The student must have an overall average of C (2.00) or higher.
  3. The course desired must be unavailable at the student’s home institution.
  4. The student’s request must be approved by the advisor and other appropriate personnel.
  5. Permission of the institution teaching the course is dependent upon availability of space for the visitor after its own students are accommodated.

Any student interested in participating in the Visiting Student Program should complete and submit to the Registrar’s Office a Cooperative Education Application form.