Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

A student whose cumulative GPA is less than 2.00 is placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation should expect to take more than two years to complete the requirements for an associate degree and more than four years to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. This status requires the student to take part in the academic improvement program conducted by the Center for Student Success (CSS). Failure of a student on academic probation to take part in this program can result in dismissal from the university in most cases, unless there are catastrophic extenuating circumstances that precluded the student’s participation in the program.

A student who fails to make acceptable academic progress according to the established policies and procedures of the institution will be suspended. A first suspension because of poor academic performance will result in ineligibility for readmission or reacceptance consideration for a period of one semester from the date of suspension. If suspended a second time, the student becomes eligible for readmission or reacceptance after one calendar year from the suspension date. During that time, the student must attend another accredited institution for at least one semester, carrying a minimum of 12 semester hours with no grade lower than C. In both cases, the student must apply for readmission through the Registrar’s Office.

Any student who, after four academic semesters or 61 semester hours, has not attained a cumulative GPA of 2.00 will be recommended for suspension. During the suspension, the student must attend another accredited college carrying a minimum class load of 12 hours and passing with no grade lower than C. Class schedules must include courses previously taken at Oakwood where grades of D or lower were received. Application for readmission must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office at Oakwood University.

A student recommended for suspension will receive an official notification of their suspension or dismissal that includes an Academic Suspension Appeal Form. Notifications for the Fall semester will be made by December 22nd and for the Spring semester by May 31st. Appeals can be made that document catastrophic extenuating circumstances which may have impacted the students’ academic progress. Once the student is notified, the following guidelines apply:

  1. The appeal form must be completed and returned to the Academic Risk Management Office (ARM) of CSS within one week of receiving the notification.
  2. A copy of either the Appeal Approval Form or Appeal Denial Form signed by the ARM office manager will be forwarded to the student within two weeks after receipt of the appeal form.

Note that academic approval for readmission does not mean that a student meets financial aid guidelines for Satisfactory Academic Progress. (Contact the Financial Aid Office for assistance).

A student whose cumulative GPA is below 2.00 is denied the opportunity and permission to represent the university in any official capacity; to hold office in any student organization; to be employed in any academic administrative area involving records and confidentiality. Some social restrictions involving leave requests may also apply.

Students on academic probation:

  1. Must limit registration to a class load of 13 hours per semester.
  2. Must be advised by the CSS academic advisors for class schedule approval during registration.
  3. Must include in the class load courses in which the student received an F. In some instances, related to their major or a transfer course, students may need to repeat a course they earned a D grade in.
  4. Must register for remedial courses when the following conditions exist:
Condition Students must take:
ACT English is less than 16 or
SAT English (ERW) is less than 470
EN111 with Lab Support
ACT Math is less than 16 or
SAT Math is less than 480
MA 095
ACT composite is less than 17 or
SAT total is less than 920
GPA is less than 2.00
OU 097
  1. Must successfully pass remedial courses with at least a C before registering for classes in mathematics.
  2. Must receive weekly tutorial assistance at the CSS.
  3. Students with a GPA below 2.00 must attend weekly sessions with a CSS advisor.