Life Experience Policy

Life experience credit is granted upon the evaluation of accomplishments and competencies not ordinarily considered part of the traditional classroom experience. The policy is geared toward the mature adult who has had a minimum of ten years of experience in a given area. Credit, however, is not applicable until the student has completed a minimum of 16 semester hours with a minimum GPA of 2.00 at Oakwood University. It is the student’s responsibility to prove to the satisfaction of the academic department that from experience he/she has developed competencies that are equivalent to classroom learning. Academic departments may require a challenge exam. Students should follow procedures outlined by the department which may include the following:

  1. Describe learning experiences believed to translate into academic credit.
  2. Suggest what courses are applicable.
  3. Review documents with academic advisor.
  4. Submit documentary evidence that may be used to verify the experiences identified (this may include testimonials from former employers and/or supervisors).
  5. Pass challenge examinations in areas for which credit is expected.

The following evaluation formula will be used:

  1. Three hours will be given for each year of full-time work approved for credit by examination.
  2. Not more than 25 percent of the 120 hours required for graduation shall be earned through life experience.
  3. Not more than 25 percent of the requirements for the major may be met through life experience credit.

The charge for life experience credit is $282 per credit hour.