Study Load

Class load is governed by classification and previous academic performance as follows:

Classification Cum. GPA Maximum Load
Academic probation below 2.00 13 hours
Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors 2.00 17 hours
Sophomores and juniors 3.00 18 hours
Seniors 2.00 18 hours
Seniors 3.00 21 hours

The class load for any situation includes incompletes, online courses, and courses taken through consortium registration. All online courses and courses taken through consortium registration must be pre-approved by the Registrar’s Office. Courses taken without authorization and courses taken that exceed the maximum study load limit may not be accepted by the University without prior approval. 

A class load of 12 credit hours is considered full-time and will satisfy the following authorities:

  1. Immigration and Naturalization Service
  2. Selective Service
  3. Veterans Administration
  4. Health, Education, and Welfare
  5. U.S. Department of Labor