Department Course Fees

Biological Sciences

Course Course Title Cost
BI 111-112 Human Anatomy and Physiology (each) $20.00
BI 131-132 General Biology (each) 20.00
BI 221 Microbiology 35.00
BI 230 Plant Biology 20.00
BI 241 General Microbiology 35.00
BI 316 Biology Instrumentation 20.00
BI 321 Genetics 20.00
BI 323 Undergraduate Research 20.00
BI 380 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 20.00
BI 422-423 General Physiology (each) 20.00
BI 425 General Ecology 20.00
BI 440 Parasitology 20.00
BI 451 Special Topics 20.00
BI 455 Immunology 20.00
BI 460 Cellular and Molecular Biology 20.00
BI 471 Molecular Genetics 20.00
BI 481-482 Human Gross Anatomy (each) 35.00
BI 484 Mycology 20.00

Business and Information Systems
*All majors in the department will be charged $45.00 each semester of their junior and senior years and not the course fee.


Course Title Cost
AC 220-221 Principles of Accounting I-II (each) $20.00
AC 330 Managerial Accounting 20.00
IS 120 Microcomputer Applications 100.00
IS 121 Microcomputer Applications CE Credit by Examination 75.00
IS 200 Management Information Systems 50.00
IS 250 Business Applications in Excel and Access 50.00
IS 285 Business App Programming in C++ 35.00
IS 290 Advanced Bus. App Programming in C++ 35.00
IS 315 Multimedia Applications 35.00
IS 325 Web Design and Development 35.00
IS 415 Database Management 35.00
IS425 Information Security and Policy 35.00

Chemical and Biochemical Sciences

Course Course Title Cost
CH 101 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry $25.00
CH 102 Introduction to Organic Chemistry 25.00
CH 141-142 General Chemistry (each) 25.00
CH 211 Quantitative Analysis 25.00
CH 311L-312L Lab for Organic Chemistry 25.00
CH 341L-342L Lab for Physical Chemistry (each) 25.00
CH 341L-342L Lab for Biochemistry (each) 25.00
CH 410 Applied Chemistry 25.00
CH 411 Instrumental Methods 25.00
CH 490-491 Research and Independent Study 25.00


Course Course Title Cost
AR 101-102 Basic Design $50.00
AR 111 Fundamentals of Drawing 50.00
AR 121 Fundamentals of Painting 50.00
AR 141 Fundamentals of Photography 50.00
AR 201 Color Theory 50.00
AR 204 Page Layout and Design 50.00
AR 231 Typography 25.00
AR 235 Photoshop for Graphic Design 35.00
AR 241 Digital Photography 20.00
AR 243 Studio Photography 25.00
AR 311-312 Advanced Drawing (each) 50.00
AR 321, 422 Advanced Painting (each) 50.00
AR 341 Advanced Photography 35.00
AR 342 Advanced Photography 75.00
AR 343 Portrait Photography 25.00
AR 344 Commercial Photography 25.00
AR 434 Package Design 35.00
BJ 345 Fundamentals of News Production 100.00
BJ 362 Advanced News Production 100.00
BJ 375 Investigative Journalism 100.00
BJ 380 News Magazine Program 100.00
CO 201 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 20.00
CO 342 Radio and TV Broadcasting 100.00
CO 401-402 Practicum in Communications (each) 15.00
FT 145 History of Film 100.00
FT 146 Fundamentals of Audio and Video Production 50.00
FT 300 Introduction to Video Editing 150.00
FT 346 Television Production 100.00
FT 350 Production Management 100.00
FT 365 Fiction and Dramatic Film and TV Production 100.00
FT 380 Multi-camera Television Studio Directing 100.00
FT 385 Cinematography 300.00
FT 387 Advanced Editing 100.00
FT 387 Travel Photography 2,100.00


Course Course Title Cost
ED 200 Educational Psychology $150.00
ED 311 Methods of Teaching Science 150.00
ED 311 Methods of Teaching Secondary Reading 120.00
ED 341 Foundation of Reading 146.00
ED 420 Internship 150.00
ED 430 Internship 150.00
ED 440 Internship 150.00
ED 440 Internship 150.00


Course Course Title Cost
EN 470 Seminar in English $150.00
EN 353 Fundamentals of Play Directing 50.00
EN 355 Creative Drama 50.00

Health and Human Sciences

Course Course Title Cost
CD 231 Developing Creativity in Young Children $15.00
FS 441 Management of Family Resources Practicum 15.00
PE 101 Physical Conditioning 15.00
PE 205 Standard First Aid and CPR 20.00
PE 210 Lifeguard Training 35.00
PE 222, 247 Racquetball (each) 20.00
PE 245, 249 Tennis (each) 20.00
PE 260 Golf 20.00
PE 325 Water Safety Instructor 35.00
Certification fees
PE 305 Theory of Coaching & Officiating Athletics Contests 85.00
PE 310 Prevention/Care of Athletic Injury 399.00
PE 320 Exercise Testing & Prescription 399.00
PE 345 Personal Training & CPR Certification 700.00

History and Political Science

Course Course Title Cost
HI 267 African American History I $125.00
HI 268 African American History II 125.00
PL 252 Moot Court 100.00
PL 280 Legal Assistant Certification 50.00
PL 375 Special Topics in Law 100.00
PS 300 State and Local Government 150.00
PS 351 Public Policy I 150.00
PS 351 Public Policy II 150.00

Mathematics and Computer Science

Course Course Title  Cost
CM 210 Computer Science with C++ $15.00
CM 220 Computer Sci. Data Structures with C++ 15.00
CM 340 Computer Logic Design 15.00
CM 350 Introductory Computer Architect 15.00
CM 352-353 Operating Systems (each) 15.00
CM 367 Programming Languages 15.00
CM 381 Computer Networks 15.00
CM 480 Selected Topics Computers 15.00
CM 490-491 Research and Independent Study (each) 15.00
EG 201 Introduction to Engineering 20.00
EG 212 Engineering Graphics I with AutoCAD 20.00
EG 211 Statics 20.00
PH 103L-104L General Physics Lab (each) 20.00
PH 121L-122L General Physics with Calculus (each) 20.00


Course Course Title Cost
MU 101 Class Piano $15.00
MU 102 Class Voice 15.00
MU 103 Class Instrument 15.00
MU 161-164 Piano Proficiency Class (each) 15.00
MU 470 Audio Workstation I 200.00
All the following individual instruction courses are $200 per credit hour for non-music majors and $130 for music majors ($65 per hour after two hours): MU 100, MU 165-166, MU 265-266, MU 300, MU 365-366, MU 465-466, and MU 499.


Course Course title Cost
NU 210 Fundamentals and Skills $15.00
NU 211 Assessment and Skills 15.00
NU 214 Nursing Performance I 120.00
NU 333 Nursing Performance II 120.00
NU 338 Nursing Performance III 120.00
NU 413 Nursing Performance IV 120.00
NU 414 Nursing Performance RN 1 15.00
NU 417 Nursing Performance V 120.00
NU 418 Nursing Performance RN II 15.00

Nutrition and Dietetics

Course Course Title Cost
ND 111 Food Preparation $15.00
ND 301 Experimental Foods 15.00
ND 321 Advanced Nutrition 15.00
ND 360 Vegetarian Cuisine 15.00


Course Course Title Cost
PY 411 Research I (includes ACE) $40.00
PY 415 Research II 80.00
PY 431 Black Psychological Perspectives 200.00

Social Work

Course Course Title Cost
SW 202 Introduction to Social Work $50.00
SW 350 Pre-Field Orientation 160.00
SW 453 General Methods of MACRO SW Practice 50.00
SW 455 Field Instruction and Seminar 50.00


Course Course Title Cost
RB 311-312 New Testament I-II (each) $50.00
RG 203 Foundations in Biblical Spirituality 75.00
RL 211-212 Greek I, II (each) 90.00
RL 311-312 Hebrew I, II (each) 90.00
RL 313-314 Greek III, IV (each) 90.00
RP 231 Personal Evangelism 50.00

Graduate Theological Studies

Course Course Title Cost
TB 511 Survey of Hebrew Prophets $50.00
TB 512 Survey of Pauline Letters 50.00
TH 521 Christian Theology 50.00
TM 522 Pastoral Care and Counseling 50.00
TM 523 Preaching in Context 50.00
TM 531 Evangelism and Church Growth 40.00
TM 532 Church Planting and Growth in Urban Setting 50.00
TM 542 Church and Community Relations 50.00
TM 550 Clinical Pastoral Education-CP 50.00
TM 641 Church Leadership and Administration 50.00
TM 543 World Religions and Contemporary Cultural Diversity 50.00
TM 553 Worship and Preaching in Black Adventist Tradition 50.00
TM 571 Contextual Pastoral Research 50.00
TM 621 Theology and Practice of Christ-centered Ministry 50.00
TM 672 Contextual Pastoral Praxis and Resource 50.00