General Information

Oakwood University welcomes applicants regardless of race, color, nationality, ethnicity, sex, or physical challenges. Students who meet the academic requirements and character expectations of the university and are willing to adjust to and to be comfortable within its religious, social, and cultural atmosphere maybe admitted subject to available space.

Application for admission to graduate study is open to any person with a four-year bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution. Applicants must have a satisfactory grade point average (see requirements for individual Schools). All application materials become the property of the University and are not forwarded or returned. Incomplete and inactive applications are purged after two years. An applicant whose file has been purged must reapply by the deadline dates for the term in which enrollment is anticipated.

Enrollment in a graduate program is a privilege that may be withdrawn at the discretion of the Associate Provost for Graduate Education if the integrity of university standards is jeopardized.

The University Board of Trustees, upon recommendation by the president, approves all admission policies.