A Message from the President

Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A. Greetings and welcome to Oakwood University! I am pleased that you have chosen Oakwood University to help you meet your educational and professional goals. Your enrollment at Oakwood makes you part of a tradition of excellence, innovation, and service.

The Oakwood University Bulletin provides an outline and description of the curriculum for each academic program the University offers. Be sure to follow your curriculum closely with the assistance of your assigned academic advisor to assure a smooth academic experience and timely completion of your degree program.

The bulletin also provides the policies and procedures related to admissions, finances, academic standing, academic support services, and so much more. You will find a list of all course offerings with descriptions and a list of our dedicated faculty.

As you peruse this bulletin, whether to plan your course of study or to familiarize yourself with the various programs and policies, you will notice a few recurring themes:

  • The Biblical foundation for the disciplines
  • The call to Christian service
  • The development of critical thinking
  • The health and wellness of our campus

At Oakwood, we define a successful life as one where God is first in all things; therefore, you will be immersed in a spiritually-enriched academic environment that results in a three-pronged education that focuses on your development as a physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy individual. In this way, we prepare you for a successful life and not simply a successful career.

As our University founder and one of the pioneers of the Adventist faith, Ellen G. White, explains in the book Education, “The law of love calls for the devotion of body, mind, and soul to the service of God and our fellow men. And this service, while making us a blessing to others, brings the greatest blessing to ourselves. Unselfishness underlies all true development” (16).

It is our hope that the practices of academic inquiry and knowledge acquisition lead to a fuller appreciation for humanity so that the individual who emerges models the life of Christ and embodies the Oakwood University motto, “Enter to Learn; Depart to Serve.”

As you will learn very quickly, our highly trained faculty, staff, and administrators are fully committed to the Oakwood model and fully committed to you.

Yours in shared service to the mission of Christ,

Leslie N. Pollard, Ph.D., D.Min., M.B.A.