Master of Arts Pastoral Studies


TB 511: Survey of Hebrew Prophets

Credits 3
This is an introduction and a survey of the second part of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament commonly referred to as the Prophets. This covers the Historical Books of Joshua to 2 Kings, the Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel), and the Twelve Minor Prophets. Each book is studied exegetically and theologically in the social-historical context of the ancient Near Eastern world, and in dialogue with the modern-day context. By means of the required graduate-level papers, students develop skills in responsible Biblical interpretation and application of the messages of the prophets to a life of faith and Christian service.

TB 512: Survey of Pauline Letters

Credits 3
This is an introduction and survey of the Pauline Epistles, utilizing the book of Acts as a historical resource. Each letter is studied exegetically and theologically in the social-historical context of the Greco-Roman world, and in dialogue with the modern-day context. By means of required graduate-level papers, students develop skills in responsible Biblical interpretation and application of the messages of Pauline letters to a life of faith and Christian service.

TB 601: Biblical and Theological Interpretation for Pastoral Ministry

Credits 3
An advanced exploration of theological and biblical studies. It emphasizes Biblical authority and a Christ-centered hermeneutic. Various methods of interpretation as applied to selected texts and themes from the Old and New Testaments are critically evaluated. Exegetical and theological insights are applied to pastoral activities such as preaching, counseling, liturgy, personal devotion, mission, and pastoral care.

TB 622: Biblical-Theological Principles for Community Ministry

Credits 3
This is an advanced study of biblical and theological paradigms that inform community ministry. These paradigms include the Pentateuchal teaching on community responsibility, the social justice tradition in the prophetic books, the gospel admonition for concern of the “least of these,” and the social structure of the early church. Students will apply biblical and theological paradigms to their local as well as global contexts to inform meaningful solutions to communal, political, economic, and social issues.

TL 515: Intermediate Biblical Hebrew

Credits 3

An intermediate course in Biblical Hebrew, emphasizing the mastery of Hebrew grammar and syntax. Students develop additional vocabulary and the ability to translate narrative and poetic passages, with the aid of reference tools. Special emphasis is given to the value of Hebrew in the life of faith, ministry, and biblical scholarship.