Management Information Systems


IS 110: Introduction to Microcomputer Applications

Credits 3
This course is designed to give students basic computer concepts and practical experience in the use of the computer. Using software applications packages for word processing, electronic spreadsheets, and presentations, students will learn to input and output data useful in professional and personal pursuits. This course is for students with registered disabilities upon approval of the Disabilities Services Office only.

IS 120: Microcomputer Applications

Credits 3
This course provides instruction in current basic computer literacy concepts and a range of application software typically used in various office settings. Students will learn to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel to create documents, presentations, and electronic spreadsheets. During the course, students will take the associated Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams in Word Core, Excel Core and PowerPoint and the current Internet Core Competency Certification (IC3) exams.

IS 121: Microcomputer Applications (CE)

Credits 3

A student who presents satisfactory evidence of having competence or exposure in the Microsoft Office applications covered in IS 120 Microcomputer Applications may meet an academic requirement by passing all three application certification exams currently given, or higher, in the course in MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS Excel. Refer to the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) policies specific to this course.

IS 200: Management Information Systems

Credits 3

Students are introduced to the management and use of information systems and technology in organizations, including the way these add value to organizational processes and products. Topics covered include the important role of information systems in today’s business environment, the impact of emerging technologies on business, how information systems support business goals, objectives and its competitive strategy, and management of information and its effect on decision-making, students will be introduced to data management through the database management application Microsoft Access in preparation for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exam administered as part of the course.

IS 250: Business Applications in Excel and Access

Credits 3
This course introduces students to advanced techniques of processing information using electronic spreadsheets and database management software used in today’s business environment. Students are assumed to be familiar with basic concepts of the Windows operating system and Microsoft Excel and Access application software. Areas covered will include macros, LOOKUP functions, Scenario Manager, Pivot Tables, and Pivot Charts in preparation for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams in Excel Expert and Access administered as part of the course.

IS 285: Business Application Programming in C++

Credits 3
An introduction to ANSI C programming is presented. Concepts are explained in a clear, understandable manner using modern business applications. Important programming definitions, concepts, and rules are addressed. Upon completion of the course, students will be proficient in designing, coding, debugging, testing, and distributing applications. Coding of applications will include but not be limited to detailed descriptions of algorithms to perform common programming tasks such as sorting, searching, and hashing.

IS 290: Advanced Business Application Programming in C++

Credits 3
C++ concepts and rules are explained in a clear, understandable manner and applied to modern business applications. Important programming definitions, concepts, and rules are addressed. Students should enter the course with a strong C programming background as this course will focus on such object-oriented elements of C++ as classes, methods, constructors, overloaded functions and operations, templates, virtual functions and the STL.

IS 315: Multimedia Applications

Credits 3
The goal of this course is to teach students the basic tools for Multimedia authoring and production. Students will use and become familiar with multimedia software packages including Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Adobe PhotoShop, and Macromedia Flash. During the semester students will learn to create and then present their own interactive presentations, and they will also learn design concepts and processes.

IS 325: Web Design and Development

Credits 3
This course introduces students to techniques used to design and develop professional websites. Students will get hands-on instruction in various web authoring languages such as HTML and CSS. They will use common industry tools such as Dreamweaver to learn how to develop and publish their own attractive websites. Students will learn how to link databases to their sites for creating, updating, querying and storing business data through various platforms.

IS 330: Network Management and Telecommunications

Credits 3
This course introduces the managerial and technical aspects of business networks, including the hardware and software mechanisms that allow access from one computer to files and services provided on other computers. An overview of local area nets (LAN) and Wide Area Nets (WAN) is provided, as also those of software protocols, routers, bridges, and firewalls. On the practical side, the student learns about the network services provided by the operating system (Windows/NT), network analyzers, and the management of security and reliability. The student also learns to install, configure, and test network hardware/software, and use such facilities in practical applications, including e-mail, remote file access, client/server hook- ups, and dial-up design of security technologies are reviewed and case studies presented.

IS 340: Advanced Business Networks

Credits 3
This course provides an advanced skill level with the concepts and terminology of computer intercommunications and networking. The course relies on a hands-on approach as the primary teaching method for focusing on organizational enterprise networking and for studying specific network protocols.

IS 415: Database Management

Credits 3
This course provides an introduction to database management systems, including data modeling, relational algebra, and Structured Query Language (SQL). Topics such as integrity rules, normalization, entity relationship diagrams (ERD) are also discussed. Student will additionally be exposed to database administration, policy and security concepts.

IS 425: Information Security and Policy

Credits 3
This course provides a broad approach to computer-related crime, electronic commerce, corporate networking, and Internet security, topics that have become increasingly important as more and more threats are made on our internet environment. This course is oriented toward the average computer user, business professional, government worker, and those within the education community, with the expectation that readers can learn to use the network with some degree of safety and security. Emphasis is placed on the numerous vulnerabilities and threats that are inherent in the Internet environment. Efforts are made to present techniques and suggestions to avoid identity theft and fraud. Students will gain a clear insight into the many security issues facing the e-commerce, networking, web, and internet environments, as well as what can be done to keep personal and business information secure. The course also introduces basic concepts of computer and network security with an emphasis on the threats and countermeasures relevant to Internet and web service. Students are prepared to evaluate the security needs of organizations, and to develop strategies to address these needs. The requirements and design of security technologies are reviewed and case studies presented.

IS 440: Systems Analysis and Project Management

Credits 3
This course introduces the student to the techniques of developing an information system. Students will study the system development life cycle, system analysis methodologies and system design. This course will also examine information systems project management, including tools used to improve productivity. Topics include concepts of project management, task scheduling, cost estimation models, risk assessment, and software maturity framework.

IS 450: Information Resource Management

Credits 3
This course is the capstone for Information Systems and emphasizes critical issues, analyses, and problem solving faced by today’s information technology professional. It consists of an overview and critical analysis of the role and importance of information technology in today’s fast-paced organizational environments. Students will use the case approach to investigate emerging technologies, and examine associated behavioral issues. Each student is required to critically analyze a current technology, and prepare an in-depth analysis on its use, benefits, and drawbacks to organizations, academia, and society in general.