Loss of Aid Eligibility

According to federal regulations, a student is not allowed to receive further aid from Title IV if he or she does not meet the University’s standards of satisfactory progress. Students who become ineligible to receive further federal aid will be notified at the address listed on the most recent Student Aid Report (SAR) obtained by the Office of Financial Aid, or a more recent one, if provided by the student prior to the last day of the semester. Students receive first notice of grades, and are held responsible to monitor the cumulative grade point average. All other notices are a courtesy of the University.

Financial Aid Appeals

  • Students may submit an appeal for funding to the Financial Aid Office. 
  • Students with approved appeals may be placed on “probation” with the Financial Aid Office for “one payment period”.
  • During a probation period, students will continue to receive financial aid.

Acceptable Conditions to File an Appeal

  • Death of a family member
  • Student’s own serious illness
  • Serious illness or injury of a family member
  • Student received an approved medical withdrawal
  • Extreme change in financial or legal circumstances
  • Compulsory military duty

The following procedure has been established for those who lose federal Title IV eligibility due to failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress. The procedure must be followed precisely and without exception. Failure to adhere to the procedure as prescribed may result in an automatic denial. NO PERSONAL APPEARANCES WILL BE GRANTED before the Financial Aid Appeals Committee. (Note: This appeal is for determining the eligibility for Federal Financial Aid.)

  • You must submit an application for appeal and an accompanying letter, indicating the reason(s) why you failed to complete the necessary hours, or attain the required GPA during the prior academic period.
  • You must submit legitimate documentation supporting your claim or rationale (i.e., CURRENT physician/counselor’s statement outlining ailment, clergy statement, family death certificate, obituaries, court documents). Furthermore, you MUST outline the plan for improving your academic performance.
  • Students with non-mitigating circumstances (e.g. return to school after extended leave, change of major etc) are required to document what has changed in their situation that will now enable them to meet SAP requirements.
  • Students who did not meet the Maximum Timeframe SAP requirement are required to meet with their academic advisors to complete the SAP Appeal “Maximum Timeframe Form”.
  • Students who successfully appeal will be placed on Financial Aid probation for one semester and must agree to an academic progress plan by the semester’s academic progress plan deadline.
  • For all appeals, students may attach other supporting documents that further validates their situation.
  • The review time for appeals may take a minimum of 4-6 weeks.
  • Students awaiting a response are responsible for paying their tuition and will receive the appeal determination by mail or email.
  • All applications for appeal must be submitted to https://oakwood.studentsfrms.com (formerly VerifyMyFAFSA) by May 7th for Summer sessions, July 1st for Fall Semester and by December 15 for Spring Semester.
  • The Financial Aid Appeals Committee will meet as needed.


Students who lose eligibility for Title IV because of failure to maintain reasonable progress towards a degree may reapply. No reapplication will be considered until the student clears the deficiency or attains the minimum grade point average.