Governing Standards

Oakwood University, a Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher education, is committed to providing quality education in the context of the Adventist faith. Modeled after the school of the prophets in the Bible, it integrates faith and learning in a modern-day setting. It offers its students the opportunity to acquire knowledge, behaviors, skills, and wholesome attitudes. Such development will equip them to provide the highest service in this life and in the life to come. The driving principle of Oakwood University is “God First!”

Oakwood University is committed to achieving a high level of spiritual development and academic excellence. The University’s teachings of morals, values, and standards will result in a distinctive outcome–the Oakwood man and the Oakwood woman. Therefore, the students of Oakwood University are expected to exhibit high degrees of honor, integrity, and morality.

It is also expected that the Oakwood student will deal with others with compassion and sensitivity. Considering this, the University provides the context for the Oakwood Man and the Oakwood Woman to develop in their use of judgment, in personal maturation, and in their spiritual journey. Any student desiring counsel and/or additional information concerning the Code of Student Conduct may contact the Counselor, Residence Hall Directors, or the Vice President for Student Life & Mission.