Foreign Language


  • Ramona L. Hyman, Ph.D. 

Associate Professors: 

  • Roman Lesnov, Ph.D. 
  • Chandra T. Mountain, Ph.D. 
  • Benson Prigg, Ph.D. (Chair) 
  • Kayla Ward, Ed.D. 

Assistant Professors: 

  • Paul Nixon, M.A. 
  • Karen Tucker, M.S., M.Ed. 
  • Joshua Williams, M.A. 
  • Sofia Wolhein Nava, M.A. 


The purpose of the Department of English and Foreign Languages is to provide students with varied opportunities to enhance oral and written communication and critical thinking skills through the study of language and literatures within various contexts in preparation for careers and further study. The Department achieves this purpose through the study and practice of literature, professional writing, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), and foreign languages. The Department supports the mission of the University by using the Bible as a foundational text for thinking through issues in language and literary studies.


Two distinct goals emerge from the Department of English and Foreign Languages’ purpose, one that is related to the University’s General Education program and the other that focuses on the development of the student major.

  1. General Education 
    The Department provides a major component of the University’s liberal arts curriculum through general education offerings in writing, literature, and foreign languages. The Department also provides remediation through courses in reading, writing, and English as a second language.
  2. Majors 
    The English program meets the needs of students who desire a strong liberal arts foundation and writing skills by offering the traditional English major concentration in literature as well as concentrations in professional writing and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Graduates in English pursue advanced studies in English and related fields, as well as law, medicine, and other careers. 

The Spanish language program offers students the opportunity to gain the cultural and linguistic proficiency that will enable them to understand and explore, in-depth, different aspects of the Hispanic culture and the Spanish language. The content and experiences in the required courses will help prepare students to use Spanish in professional contexts by focusing on Culture, Film, Linguistics, Literature and Translation. Study abroad opportunities, in conjunction with Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA), are interwoven into the fabric of the curriculum to increase students’ fluency and proficiency, their awareness and sensitivity of the social dynamics surrounding language, and their relevance when placed in various academic, social, political, professional, and religious contexts of the Spanish-speaking world.

High School Preparation 

Students wishing to major in English or Spanish should follow the college preparatory program in high school. Students should endeavor to read widely and learn to express themselves clearly and appropriately in speech and writing.

Exit Examinations 

All students must complete a capstone experience: Majors in English produce a senior thesis or project; Spanish majors participate in the ACA program for one year and produce a senior thesis; language arts majors complete the Praxis examination and teaching practicum.

Career Opportunities 

By the end of their tenure, students majoring in English and foreign languages will be qualified to pursue a number of interesting, challenging and rewarding professions, such as teaching, translation, interpretation, diplomacy, law, creative and/or technical writing, publishing, public relations, communications, advertising, banking, retailing, or business- and industry-related activities. Moreover, English and foreign languages majors are also poised to consider graduate school options in such areas as literature, linguistics, rhetoric, language studies, cultural studies, law, speech pathology, medicine, business, psychology, education, and so much more. 



FL 470: Foreign Language Seminar

Credits 3
The purpose of this course is to help students reflect on their study abroad experience and gain skills to further their careers. The course will include readings, reflections, group dialogs, and culminate in an individual project and presentation designed by the student.