Family Studies


FS 340: Family Economics and Management

Credits 3
A study of supply and demand, consumer welfare, credit, protection and legal regulations, and current issues which affect the individual’s total responsibility as a consumer in today’s changing economic environment. .

FS 342: Intimate Relations and Marriage

Credits 3
Evaluation of membership in a social structure created to benefit each person as a contributor to the family and to society in their physical, mental, and religious aspects.

FS 441: Management of Family Resources Practicum

Credits 3
Cooperative living in homemaking groups in the home management house. Experience is given in management, accounting, food preparation and services, aesthetic arrangements, and entertaining. Charges are based on prevailing food costs. Registration required in the department office one semester in advance.

FS 452: Advanced Family Studies

Credits 3
A comparative study of families internationally, utilizing the United States as a framework. Special attention will be given to developing countries, eastern Europe, and the Far East.