Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Arts in English, Literature


The Bachelor of Arts in English is intended to meet the needs of students desiring a strong liberal arts background or of students planning to enter graduate or professional school or the work force. The Department’s curriculum for the English major is designed so that students: 

  1. Develop advanced competence in spoken and written English.
  2. Examine texts from multiple biblical, critical, theoretical, and/or creative perspectives.
  3. Apply research skills to a multi-faceted product or project.
  4. Demonstrate preparedness for graduate and professional study, and/or discipline-related vocations.
  5. Critique texts from diverse literary traditions
  6. Demonstrate skills in close reading, critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation of a variety of texts.

*All majors must take the required core courses and choose a concentration of courses listed below: 

English Core Curriculum

Item #
Sub-Total Hours

Concentration: Literature Courses

Item #
3 - 9
Sub-Total Hours

Students are required to take 3 hours of upper division EN electives and up to 9 hours depending upon the number of hours needed to secure 120 hours for graduation

Minor Required

Sub-Total Hours

Free Electives

Item #
3 - 4
Sub-Total Hours

General Education Requirements

Majors and Minors must earn a minimum grade of C in college composition and all English and Language related courses.

Each course taken by the student may be applied to only one program: general education, major, minor or free electives.

General Education Requirements

Total Hours