ED 350: Introduction to Special Education

Class Program
Credits 3.0

This course provides a broad overview of terminology, etiology, identification, and issues commonly encountered when addressing the needs of diverse students and exceptionalities. .  The content includes an overview of the history and foundations of special education, gifted and talented conditions, the nature of sensorimotor exceptionalities, communication disorders, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, and behavioral disorders. It will address the Council for Exceptional Children and Alabama Core Teaching Standards for an understanding of the needs of exceptional students in the schools as well as professional practice and foundations in special education. Students will gain knowledge of the following: inclusion and its various strategies that include collaboration, the use of appropriate modifications and adaptations, technology, and universal design; diversity issues; federal and state legislative mandates; and regulations that are pertinent to nondiscriminatory assessments, parental involvement, individualized education programs, and social issues and concerns. North American Division (NAD) curriculum resources/ Adventist Learning Community (ALC) modules will be incorporated in this course. 
