ED 333: Methods in Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary School

Class Program
Credits 2.0

This course is designed to equip teacher candidates with the professional and pedagogical skills for teaching Social Studies in the secondary setting. The Alabama Course of Study: Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies C3 Framework will be studied and implemented.  Participants will practice evidence-based teaching strategies inclusive of individualized instruction for diverse learners in all the social studies disciplines including history, civics, geography, economics, and the behavioral sciences. Candidates will demonstrate mastery of lesson planning and implementation through a variety of content specific mini-lessons, presentations, and authentic assessments. Technology integration will be an essential aspect of planning, instruction, and assessment. The field experiences practicum is required. North American Division (NAD) curriculum resources/ Adventist Learning Community (ALC) modules will be incorporated in this course. NOTE: Field experience hours: 42 hours.


ED 240, 300 and admission to the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Program.