ED 315: Methods in Teaching Mathematics: K-8

Class Program
Credits 3.0

This course is designed to equip teacher candidates with pedagogical skills to teach mathematics to elementary students. Teacher candidates explore the historic development, major initiatives, and innovations which led to the evolution of the US P-12 math curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the National Council for the Teaching of Mathematics (NCTM) recommended Standards and Principles and the conceptual understanding and procedural fluency that define age-appropriate mathematics for elementary grades. Foundational theories that undergird effective mathematics teaching, at the elementary level, are applied by teacher candidates. Relevant theories include Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory, Vygotsky Social Construction Theory, Van Hiele’s Geometry Knowledge Progression, and Bruner’s Guided Discovery Approach. Teacher candidates adapt and apply foundational principles in teaching, motivating, and assessing diverse learners in the clinical setting. The Level II, Part II Field Experience Practicum is required. North American Division (NAD) curriculum resources/ Adventist Learning Community (ALC) modules will be incorporated in this course.  NOTE: Field experience hours: 42 hours (part of the 6-day Practicum Block 1; 7 hours/day).


ED 200 and 240 and admission to the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Program.