ED 313: Methods in Teaching Language Arts and Children’s Literature: K-8

Class Program
Credits 3.0

This course is designed to equip teacher candidates with skills to apply instructional theories in teaching language arts to elementary students. The course focuses on essential concepts such as phonemic awareness, phonics, grammar, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. Candidates draw from educational theories such as behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and proven pedagogical practices. Candidates participate in planning, development and adaptation of lessons and assessment in language arts, to optimize learning and achievement for all students. Candidates are taught to apply multisensory approaches teaching Language Arts such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic-tactile pathways. The course provides an in-depth review of Alabama’s College and Career Readiness Standards to ensure that teacher candidates are well-versed with the state’s English and language arts academic expectations and benchmarks for K-8 students. Teacher candidates participate in simulations and field experiences where instructional theories, the use of technology, and English and language arts concepts are applied to classroom teaching. North American Division (NAD) curriculum resources/ Adventist Learning Community (ALC) modules will be incorporated in this course.  NOTE: Field experience hours: 42 hours (part of the 6-day Practicum Block 1; 7 hours/day).


ED 200 and 240 and admission to the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Program.