ED 312: Methods in Teaching Music: K-8

Class Program
Credits 3.0

This course is designed to provide teacher candidates with tools for creating curricula, selecting materials, and developing methods to provide a general classroom music experience for K-8 students. The course examines the impact of music on other aspects of child development, including the social and emotional aspects. Teacher candidates will study the organization and procedures to be used in general music classes; explore options in selecting age-appropriate music that speaks to the diverse interests of students; identify opportunities to integrate music with other subject areas; learn how to use music as an authentic alternative assessment; and create and teach an integrated lesson. Candidates will demonstrate a working knowledge of the elementary music program with emphasis on the presentation of musical concepts through a variety of behaviors including performing (both individual and group), describing, and listening (music appreciation), and creating (producing original music compositions) in keeping with the interests and abilities of both teacher and students. The candidate will identify ways in which technology can be used to enrich music instruction. Practicum Block 1 is required.   NOTE: Field experience hours: 42 hours (part of the 6-day Practicum Block 1; 7 hours/day). 


ED 200 and 240 and admission to the Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) Program.